

Elliott, V. (2023) Foundations of Educational Research. Bloomsbury.

Elliott, V. (2020) Knowledge in English: Canon, Curriculum and Cultural Literacy. Routledge. 

- Winner of the UKLA Academic Book Award 2022.

Ingram, J. & Elliott, V. (2019) Research Methods for Classroom Discourse. Bloomsbury.

Journal Articles

If you would like a pdf of any of these feel free to email me. Where there are weblinks below the article is open access and can be found by clicking on the link. 

  • Elliott, V. & Courtney, M. (2023). Teaching poets of colour at Key Stage 3: categorising what is taught. English in Education, 57:2, 91-101

  •  Elliott, V. & Hodgson, J. (2021). Setting anagenda for English Education research. English in Education, 55:4.

  • Elliott, V. & Olive, S. (2021). Secondary Shakespeare in the UK: what gets taught and why? English in Education, 55:2, 102-115. 

  • Elliott, V. (2019). Detecting the Dane: re-creating Shakespearian genre in A level literature. English 68 (262), 283–304.
  • Elliott, V. (2018) Thinking about the Coding Process in Qualitative Data Analysis. The Qualitative Report, 23(11), 2850-2861.
  • Ingram, J., Elliott, V., Morin, C., Randhawa, A., & Brown, C. (2018). Playing the system: incentives to 'game' and educational ethics in school examination entry policies in England. Oxford Review of Education, 44(5), 545–562.
  • Elliott, V. (2017). Gender and the contemporary educational canon in the UK. International Journal of English Studies, 17(2). 45–62.
  • Elliott, V. (2017). What does a good one look? Marking A level English scripts in relation to others. English in Education, 51(1), 58–75.
  • Elliott, V. & Dingwall, N. (2017). Roles as a route to being 'Other': drama-based interventions with at risk students. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 22(1), 66–78.
  • Elliott, V. (2016). Study what you most affect: beginning English teachers’ preparedness to teach Shakespeare. CEA Critic, 78(2), 199-212.
  • Elliott, V. & Hore, B. (2016). ‘Right nutrition, right values’: the construction of food, youth and morality in the UK government 2010-2014. Cambridge Journal of Education.
  • Ingram, J. and Elliott, V. (2016).  A critical analysis of the role of wait time in classroom interactions and the effects on student and teacher interactional behaviours. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46(1), 37–53.
  • Won journal’s prize for best paper of 2016
  • Ikeno, N., Fukazawa, H., Watanabe, J., Elliott, V., Shawyer, C., Olive, S., & Davies, I. (2015). Putting the case for building a bridge between drama and citizenship education. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 10 (3), 237–250.
  • Elliott, V. (2014). MARC: a thought experiment in the morality of automated essay marking. Changing English, 21(4), pp. 393–401.
  • Elliott, V. (2014). The treasure house of a nation? Literary heritage, curriculum and devolution in Scotland and England in the 21st century. The Curriculum Journal, 25(2), pp. 282–300.
  • Ingram, J. and Elliott, V. (2014). Turn taking and ‘wait time’ in classroom interactions. Journal of Pragmatics 62, pp. 1–12.
  • Elliott, V. (2013). Empathetic projections and affect reactions in examiners of ‘A’ level English and History. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 20(3), pp. 266–280.

Selected Project Reports

  • Elliott, V., Randhawa, A., Ingram, J., Nelson-Addy, L., Griffin, C. & Baird, J.-A. (2020) Feedback in action: A review of practice in English schools. London: Education Endowment Foundation
  • Baird, J.-A., Caro, D., Elliott, V., El Masri, Y., Ingram, J., Randhawa, A., Isaacs, T., Stobart, G., Meadows, M., Morin, C., Pinot de Moira, A. & Taylor, R. (2018).  Examination Reform: Impact of Linear and Modular Examinations at GCSE. London: HMSO.
  • Elliott, V., Baird, J.-A., Hopfenbeck, T.N., Ingram, J., Thompson, I., Usher, N., Zantout, M. Coleman, R., & Richardson, J. (2016). A marked improvement? A review of the evidence on written marking. London: Education Endowment Foundation.
  • Tawell, A., Thompson, I., Daniels, H., Elliott, V., Dingwall, N. (2015) Being Other: The Effectiveness of Arts Based Approaches in Engaging with Disaffected Young People. Oxford University Department of Education.


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